Winner Announcement!

(February 2021, Minneapolis) The editors of Howling Bird Press are excited to announce the semifinalists, finalists, and winner of the 2021 Poetry Prize:


Almost Sunset at High Noon, Jean Prokott

Finalists (in alphabetical order)

tips for masturbating discreetly during the revolution {for women!} &other poems, Zoe Canner

寂寞先知 (( lonely prophet )),Michael Chang

Equus caballus: When the Rider Halters the Horse, Donna J. Gelagotis Lee


Weathervanes in the Direction of Why, Eva Skrande

Semifinalists (in alphabetical order)

Grim Honey: Poems, Jessica Barksdale

Lighting Out for the Invisible, Danielle Dubrasky

The Bereaved and the Unbereaved, Richard Lyons

Last Known Address, Jane Medved

Take, Eat;, Mason Nunemaker

Everything Gets Louder in the Dark, Jason Olsen

HERSELF, Deborah Phelps

Head of a Gorgon, Raegen M. Pietrucha

PAPA PAPA A New Father’s Journey, Richard Weekley

The press is grateful to the many authors who entered. It was an honor to consider such amazing submissions. The winning book will be published in fall 2021. Please check back here and on our social media for further updates.