Still Life with Horses Makes SPD Nonfiction Bestseller List
The Howling Bird Press Nonfiction Prize Winner for 2017, Still Life with Horses by Jean Harper, made the Small Press Distribution Nonfiction Bestseller list for October–December 2017. This candid and poignant memoir chronicles the quest to live ethically while navigating a changing personal and professional landscape. Within the story of a relationship with a beloved horse, Harper explores how animals can keep us grounded when humans fail us. Set in the Midwestern Rust Belt, the book gives a timely and telling glimpse into rural, working class America.

Please click on image to enlarge. SPD Nonfiction Bestsellers, October- December 2017
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Recently, Howling Bird Press editor Jannet Walsh talked to Harper about this honor and the experience of working with a teaching press like Howling Bird.
“During the editing process for my book, Still Life with Horses, I found myself having a new appreciation for great editors,” said Jean Harper.
“The students at Howling Bird Press were fantastic to work with, as was Jim Cihlar who led the editing process. I think most helpful was the attention to the various story lines that wind through the book; the editing focused on making sure story lines were consistent, coherent, and maintained. It really came down to small tinkerings here and there, which made all the difference.”
“For me as a writer this has renewed my focus on the small things, and how each detail is like a star in a constellation; you miss one star, or don’t focus on it, and the constellation loses its overall coherence and lucidity. Good editors help you think about that both in the editing stages, and then, internalizing that, when you are making something new.”
Located in Berkeley, California, Small Press Distribution specializes in helping independent publishers and writers with distribution, information services and public advocacy programs, focused on small publishers.
Howling Bird Press is a student-run publishing house at Augsburg University located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The press launched in 2014 and is part of the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program at Augsburg University:
Find Still Life with Horses online and at your local independent bookstore!
Book page for Still Life with Horses at SPD
Still Life with Horses at Howling Bird Press
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