Category Archives: Documentation

Faculty Pages

How to create a Faculty page

Faculty site – All faculty pages live in the Faculty site rather than in your department’s site. After you log in, go to “My Sites” in the upper left and select “Faculty” from the list there. Once you are in the Faculty site, you can create your page. Continue reading


How to make a button link

Create a button by using this short code. Whatever URL you put in link=”…” is where the button will link, and whatever text is between the two sets of brackets is the text that will appear on the button.

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Image Tips

Resize images before you upload them.

Large, high-resolution images can take a long time to load. If you upload a large image to a page and then resize it in the editor so that it’s only displaying at 50% or 40% of its original size, a site visitor’s computer will still have to load the entire image, even though it is rendering on the screen at a much smaller size. To make things more efficient, downsize the image before you upload it. There are many programs that can do this for you, and you probably already have one on your computer. Continue reading

How to log in

Logging in to

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page
  3. Click on the “Administrator Login” link in the bottom right.
  4. Your username and password are your Augnet credentials

The direct URL for the login page is

Logging in to

  1. Go to
  2. Your username and password are your Augnet credentials

If you have multiple Inside Augsburg sites, toggle between them by going to “My Sites” in the gray bar at the top of the page.