
Augsburg Centennial Singers 30th Anniversary
Men of Faith Passing on the Faith Through Songs of Praise

The Gospel Quartet Tradition

The Centennial Singers grew out of the tradition of gospel quartet summer tours starting in 1885 on behalf of Augsburg. In 1895 a gospel quartet toured Norway presenting 50 concerts. Over the years approximately 50 quartets toured, mostly in the Midwestern States, culminating in 1961. Quartet tours to Norway were in 1885, 1895 and 1961.

During the 1992 Augsburg Homecoming a group of former quartet singers got together and decided to form a chorus by recruiting additional former quartet singers. The plan included organizing a tour of Norway to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the tour by the 1895 quartet. Thus, the Augsburg Centennial Singers choir was born.


Reflecting the Gospel Quartet tradition at Augsburg University, the mission of the Augsburg Centennial Singers is to present concerts that personalize a Christian faith, to encourage listeners to establish and deepen a relationship with Jesus Christ, and to provide a fellowship for men who find joy in singing songs that have musical excellence, address the heart, and reflect a variety of musical traditions.

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