We brought our kids to school today. In many ways it felt surreal – in person school, students don’t need to wear masks. It also feels surreal being a world away from the US. We went to bed last night as the insurrectionists were breaking into the Capitol. I would have continued to follow it, but the jet lag was catching up to me. Simply put, this is a disgraceful day and a stunning display of white privilege.
Category: Uncategorized
Sisu, sidewalks, and sleep
We have been in Kuopio the for two days now, getting settled into our apartment and finding our way around town. The kids start school on Thursday, so a few extra days of break for them.
Doing some reading ahead of time I learned about the Finnish concept of sisu – loosely translated as inner strength. I was familiar with the term growing up in Northern Minnesota, which had one of the largest groups Finnish immigrants. What I remember is that sisu was used as a substitute for “Finnish” (maybe used as an adjective (“I am sisu.” Or “Sisu proud.”) than a noun or concept.
3..2..1.. Pack!
It is full on packing time right now, as evidenced by the suitcases on the bedroom floor.
How are we doing? Well enough. I THINK we have everything we need in terms of paperwork. Shannon is doing a great job packing and repacking and evaluating things we need or don’t need.
![Packing for Finland.](https://engage.augsburg.edu/zobitz/files/2020/12/20201227_110932-768x1024.jpg)
Why Finland?
“So, Finland … huh … Since you are from Minnesota, don’t you want to go someplace a little warmer?”
So goes a conversation I have with people about why I would want to go to Finland. I get it; winters are endless in Minnesota. It seems odd to be going to a place that is as cold, as dark for as long as where I currently live. To be honest, that really wasn’t a factor in the thinking.
Happy Solstice
Today marks the winter solstice. Ever the optimist I find more energy knowing that the days are getting longer with daylight.
Today Kuopio, Finland has a whopping 4 hours and 46 minutes of daylight.
Preparing to go: December 2019 – March 2020 (The “before” times).
I was coming back from a class in December 2019 when I received the email that my Fulbright application to research at the University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio was accepted! I had always wanted this type of experience for me professionally, also for my children so they can have the opportunity to see the world bigger than their own backyard.
Based on the grant we would be leaving for an entire year, so there was a lot of logistical details to work out, notwithstanding (1) residence permits, securing housing in Finland, finding schools for our kids, what to do with our house here, school for our kids, and, and, and … Thank goodness we had time to work through this!
Here we go!
Ok, so let’s do this blogging thing. Here is an occasional blog as a Fulbright Scholar to Finland in Spring 2021.