We brought our kids to school today. In many ways it felt surreal – in person school, students don’t need to wear masks. It also feels surreal being a world away from the US. We went to bed last night as the insurrectionists were breaking into the Capitol. I would have continued to follow it, but the jet lag was catching up to me. Simply put, this is a disgraceful day and a stunning display of white privilege.
Back to the first day of school. Kids usually walk to school by themselves (!), but we accompanied them on the way to school and even got to go in. You take your shoes off before you walk in the building. This also helps cut down on the noise and keeps the school clean – smart!
The Finnish school system has a -1 in grade level – meaning C is in second grade, G & P (in the same class together) in first grade. Kids don’t start attending school until age 7 here. Let me tell you that was a conversation with the kids – they all thought they were being held back or repeating a grade. Religious education is a school subject (students attend a class for their particular religion), and the school schedule is not uniform – meaning today C is done at 12 PM, G & P are done at 2 PM – and it varies from day to day.
I could tell all of them were scared (I would be too, so I don’t blame them!) I think they will do great though, and looking forward to hearing how the day went. More later.
The insurrection stuff was very surreal. Felt very much like a failed coup attempt. I also couldn’t help but feel like people should probably not be able to storm their way into our nation’s capital building like that.
Anyway, glad you made it safe and are starting to settle in! I’m enjoying following along!
Thanks Christopher!
Enjoying your blog. I’m currently a finalist for Fulbright at UEF for 2021. Hoping I get selected. Nevertheless, your blog thus far has already been instructive for what we (might) get to experience.
Thanks! Fingers crossed you get selected.