Here comes the sun!

The sun was out today, and it made a big splash after a couple of cloudy days. Brad joined us last night and made it to the morning session despite having traveled for nearly 18 hours yesterday.

We started today with another lesson from Natasa. We had been given homework to bring back five words with which we needed help. We learned about WCs, ZDA, racun, DDV, and spodnje perilo (helpful if your luggage gets lost and you need to buy underwear).

After lunch, we returned to the computer room at the University administration building to attend a lecture about the structure of Slovenian schools from professor Jana Kalin.

We walked to the Special School Centre to meet Josep Serbetar, the school’s principal who walked with us to the Centre’s administration building to meet the director Matej Rovsek. After a brief orientation session led by Tina Verbic, we said goodbye to the school until we begin our service learning activities tomorrow.

Our last activity of the day was the second part of our Ljubljana city tour with Gregor Pecan. Today we saw a monument in honor of Napoleon (who conquered the previous imperial landlords, the Austrians). It is quite unique to see a monument that celebrates Napoleon outside of France. We also saw the remnants of the Roman city walls which have been incorporated into a performing arts center. The ancient city of Emona was founded by the Romans in the first century and forms the basic structure of what eventually became the city of Ljubljana.

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